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Sound complements graphics in nearly all arcade-style games. While most people think of sound effects as the only necessary sound, the addition of an original background score can contribute greatly to a game's overall popularity. In either case, the Atari, with its four-voice sound chip, is well-suited to the task.

The Atari computer has four independent voices that can vary in pitch by more than three octaves. The tone can vary from very pure to highly distorted. In addition, each voice has its own loudness level, completely independent of the television's volume setting.

BASIC's Sound Statment

In BASIC, the SOUND statement takes the following form:

SOUND Voice, Pitch, Distortion, Loudness

The first parameter Voice is simple. There are four voices or channels whose numbers range from 0-3. It takes a separate sound statement to activate each channel. Initially, at leas tin BASIC, they are all off at anytime, but anyone can be selectively turned off by setting Pitch, Distortion, and Loudness for that voice to all zeros.

Pitch can vary between 0 -255. The value'N' is used in a divide circuit. For every N pulses coming in, one pulse goes out. As N gets larger, the output pulses become less frequent and make a lower note. A value of 121 produces a middle C tone. A pitch of 60 produces a C tone one octave higher, and a pitch of 243 produces a C tone one octave lower. Pitch values around 3 approach the edge of human hearing and may not be audible on a television speaker that lacks a tweeter.

The Atari computer produces both pure and distorted tones. The term distortion is actually a misnomer. All of the sound waves on the Atari are square waves. Distortion doesn't occur because of a degradation of the wave form like in harmonic audio, but by selectively removing pulses from the waveform. A more appropriate term would be noise. Distortion values of 10 and 14 generate pure tones. Other even-numbered distortion values (0,2,4,6, and 12) introduce different amounts of noise into the pure tone. The quality of the sound depends on both the pitch and the distortion. Some combinations, mainly distortion 12, combine to produce an undistorted secondary tone with harmonic overtones.

Loudness is controlled by the fourth number in the SOUND statement. The value varies from 0 (silent) to 15 (loudest) and is fairly linear for a single voice. The apparent loudness is affected by pitch. High-pitched sounds seem quieter than low-pitched sounds. If you are working with multi-channels, the sum of all four channels should not exceed thirty-two or it will overmodulate the audio output. The sound produced tends to actually lose volume and assume a buzzing quality.

Sound Duration

Since the SOUND statement lacks a duration parameter, sound can be turned on and then off by using an empty FOR ... NEXT loop as a delay. It is largely experimental but empty FOR ... NEXT loops iterate at approximately 450 times per second. A loop that goes from 1-225 would cause a delay of half a second. Thus, the following three lines would turn on a tone, let it sound for onehalf second, then turn it off.
100 SOUND 0,121,10,10
110 FOR I=1 TO 225:NEXT I
120 SOUND 0,0,0,0

Sound Effects

Simple sound effects are created largely by trial and error. Many use FOR ... NEXT loops to either vary the pitch or vary the volume. Some do both. The pistol sound in the blocks game in Chapter 5 varies the volume. The bonk sound of the brick being removed is similar but at another low pitch. Both sounds use distortion or noise to achieve their effect.
110 FOR L=10 TO 4 STEP -0.25
120 SOUND 0,10,0,L
130 NEXT L

110 FOR L=15 TO 0 STEP -0.5
120 SOUND 0,20,2,L
130 NEXT L
It is also possible to vary both the pitch and the volume simultaneously in a loop. The following example simulates the sound of a falling bomb. It begins with a high pitch and gradually changes to a low pitch, followed by the thumping sound of an explosion.
110 FOR L=30 TO 200 STEP 3
120 SOUND 0,L,10,L/25
130 FOR K=1 TO L/10:NEXT K
140 NEXT L
150 SOUND 0,20,0,14
160 SOUND 1,255,10,15
170 FOR K=1 TO 150:NEXT K
180 SOUND 1,0,0,0

Most sound effects have to be placed in a larger loop with the graphics or player-missile commands, or motion will stop while the sound routine runs. The problem is that this method often alters the time delays and preset durations of the sound effects. Worse yet, the location of these routines within the program changes the result. This occurs because BASIC must search its line number list whenever it encounters a branch or GOTO instruction. Obviously, it finds line numbers at the beginning of the program before it finds line numbers near the end. The only real solution to the problem is to run your sound routines in the VBlank period, and this approach requires Machine language programming skills.

Sound-Assembly Language

The POKEY digital I/0 chip controls the audio frequency and the audio control registers for all four sound channels. The AUDF# (audio frequency) locations are used to control pitch, and the AUDC# (audio control) locations are used to control distortion and volume. The sound locations are as follows, and they are write registers only:

AUDF1 = $D000 AUDC1 = $D001
AUDF2 = $D002 AUDC2 = $D003
AUDF3 = $D004 AUDC3 = $D005
AUDF4 = 3D006 AUDC4 = $D007

Frequency values range from $00 to $FF. POKEY actually increments this number by one before sending it to its divide by "N" circuit. For every N pulses coming in, one pulse comes out. Thus, the higher the value of N, the lower the tone. The rate of the pulses depends on the POKEY clock.

AUDC1-4 Sound Registers

The AUDC1-4 locations control both distortion and volume. The bit pattern is as follows:


The lower four bits control the volume level (0-15). Zero means no volume, while 15 means as loud as possible. The only constraint here is that the total volume for all four sound channels does not exceed thirty-two. Bit 4 is a volume-only control. Turning this bit on will force the speaker cone out. Trouble is that this by itself won't produce a tone since a tone is produced by repeatedly forcing the cone in and out rapidly. This bit can be useful to advanced sound programmers.

The upper three bits control the distortion. Distortion is produced by first dividing the clock value by the frequency, then masking the output using the various poly counters specified by the bit pattern. The result is finally divided by two. Poly counters or polynomial counters are actually shift registers that produce various degrees of distortion in random but repeatable sequences. Since they are repeatable, they are predictable and are useful for generating sound effects. In general, the tones become more regular or recognizable with fewer and lower poly counters masking the output. The 17bit poly counter is useful for white noise effects like a waterfall, while the 4-bit poly counter is useful for a motor sound.

BIT	7	6	5
	0	0	0	5-bit, then 17-bit polys
	0	0	1	5-bit poly only
	0	1	0	5-bit, then 4-bit polys
	0	1	1	5-bit poly only
	1	0	0	17-bit poly only
	1	0	1	no poly counters (pure tone)
	1	1	0	4-bit poly only
	1	1	1	oo poly counters (pure tone)

AUDCTL Register

In addition to the independent channel control bytes (AUDC1-4), there is one other register, AUDCTL at 53768 or $D208, that affects all of the channels. Each bit in AUDCTL is assigned a specific function.
Bit	Description
7	Makes the 17-bit poly counter into a 9-bit poly
6	Clock channel one with 1.79 MHz
5	Clock channel three with 1.79 MHz
4	join channels one and two (16 bit)
3	join channels three and four (16 bits)
2	Insert high pass filter into channel one, clocked by
	channel two
1	Insert high pass filter into channel two, clocked by
	channel four
0	Switch main clock base from 64 KHz to 15 KHz
Shifting the 17-bit poly counters to 9-bit poly counters by setting bit 7, will create more repeatable sound patterns rather than white noise-type patterns. Setting the channels to a higher clock frequency (setting bits 5 and 6), will produce higher tones. Likewise, setting the bit 7 from 64 KHz to 15 KHz will produce much lower tones.

If you couple two of the sound channels by setting either bits 3 or 4, you reduce the number of channels to two but gain increased tonal range. Normally, you get a five octave range using the eight bits of a single channel, but the combined 16-bit register increases the tonal range to nine octaves.

Sometimes you may encounter problems POKEing sounds in BASIC or in Machine language without initializing the sound registers. BASIC requires a null sound statement, i.e., SOUND 0,0,0,0. In Machine language you need to store a 0 at AUDCTL ($D208), and a 3 at SKCTL ($D20F).

Background Music

One of the most pleasing uses of sound is to play musical tunes quietly in the background, during many games or at least use them to enhance an animated title page. Such routines normally run in the Vertical Blank period so that the note lengths remain accurate. Generally, you store the notes and durations of the tune in a table. The Atari reads the note and its corresponding duration from the table. It then turns on the note and sustains it until the timer at $14, which counts in jiffies, reaches the value set by the duration. At that point the note shuts off and the computer reads the next note and duration. Two consecutive notes with the same pitch sound like they run together as a much longer note. It is often necessary to place a zero pitch lasting two jiffies between the notes. With this method, it is very simple to play an entire musical score without affecting the play mechanics or speed of a game. Be careful that you don't use and reset that timer elsewhere in the game.

We use the value of $FF for the note as a flag to indicate the tune is finished. While it could be used to conclude the piece, we use it to reset the pointers to the table so that the music repeats endlessly.

The lengths of the different notes is summarized in the table below:

Sixteenth	8
Eighth		15
Quarter		30
Half		60
Rest		60



Sound Effects

Explosion sounds are simple to implement in Machine language within the Vertical Blank routine. Basically, you need a very irregular rumbling sound that slowly decreases in volume. Setting the distortion to zero sets up 17bit poly counters that produce quite irregular sound. The duration of the sound is controlled by a timer that counts down every jiffy. This timer can also control the volume level so that it decreases as a function of the value of the timer. For instance, if the sound is to take one second, SEXTIME, short for Set Explosion Timer, is initially set to 64 and is decremented every jiffy. If VOLUME = SEXTIME / 4, then the volume will decrease from 16 to 0 as SEXTIME counts down to 0. The code follows:
	LDA #$40	;TONE
.1	RTS
Laser fire can be simulated by rapidly changing the frequency from a high pitch to a lower one in discontinuous jumps while using a distortion set at 6. This produces a more staccato sound than a smooth frequency transition. You can implement this effect by making the timer, SLTIME, short for Set Laser Timer, a function of the frequency. If Frequency = SLTIME * 16, then each time SLTIME is incremented, the tone will jump in increments of 16. Remember, the higher the N in the divide by N he lower the tone. The problem here is that the sound is much too short if to increment simply from 1 to 15. Therefore, a secondary loop delays each tonal jump by 4 cycles. The entire sound routine takes 60 jiffies rather than just 15 jiffies. The flowchart and code are below:
           BEQ .3         ;IF 0 EXIT
           CMP #$0F       ;TIMER GOES FROM 1 TO 15
           BNE .1
           LDA #$00       ;TURN SOUND OFF
           STA AUDF1
           STA AUDC1
           BNE .2          ;IF NOT 0 COUNTDOWN TILL IT IS
           STA SLTIME1     ;STORE IT
                           ;(THIS IS ALSO OUR FREQUENCY VALUE)
           ASL             ;MULTIPLY BY 16
           STA AUDFI       ;NEW TONE VALUE
           LDA #$86        ;DISTORTION 8, VOLUME 6
           STA AUDC1
.3         RTS


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